Extract-All® Air Purifiers

Extract-All® Air Purifiers are the ultimate room air cleaning systems for your home, office, school, senior living facility, and more. Our AMB1 system comes with 7 stages of air purification, including a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. All 7 stages work together to remove dust, pollen, chemicals, mold, smoke, and germs from the air you breathe. Within 30 minutes, AMB1 will completely replace the air in medium-large rooms (1250 sq. feet), creating a safer environment for all. Along with the HEPA air purifiers, we also offer a selection of ULPA air purifiers.

Discover how our portable air filtration systems can make a difference in your workplace. To learn more about our offerings, explore our website, or contact us directly for personalized guidance. Register your product for added peace of mind, and consider joining our filter replacement program for ongoing performance optimization. Your clean air journey starts here; we’re here to assist you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out, and let’s make the air cleaner together.

Air Purifiers work in these settings:

  • Home
  • School
  • Church
  • Health Club
  • Senior Living Facility

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